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ʱ䣺2024-03-20 23:06:46 Ӣ ҪͶ
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컹ҪڴѡڼŽ糣ѡϰϰǰѧ ʱżߵĿб¡


ϰ˼໥Ƚһӡһ죬һλһλϢͨʿ⣬ ϣ˽ijһ֯쵼Ƿ֧ͳѡ˸

λϢͨʿ˵ԻشΪԤλ쵼˵ж׷ŭλϢͨʿ𸴼ߵԭģHes more than a wild card; hes a loose cannon!

עĻϰһǣwild cardCardָ˿ƣ˿˵ʱ a wild cardԭָׯڷǰİٴơ

˵threes are wild. ôеġ˰ٴƣ õ˿԰ѡκһãʤöַʤ

Ԥϵwild cardʹ˿˵˾ø˷ܴ̼µҲ𽥰wild cardƹӦõĸ档

-1The minor party candidates cant win, but they are wild cards. If the election is close they might take enough votes away from Mr. Bush or Mr. Gore to help the other one win.

˵СĺѡûпӮþѡʤǶѡٽӰȴԤơСʲ͸֮ĵƱĿ൱ ôСѡ˾Ϳܴеijһ൱ѡƱӶһӮʤ


Ǿһ϶ȥƱİѡȴ޷ԤƵ飬˵ЩСĺѡwild cards, Ҳ˵Щûа취Ԥǵáwild cardsϰ˼

ղλϢͨʿĻõĵڶϰǣloose cannonCannonǴڣlooseûϵε˼



Ȼʱκ˵ķʹЩloose cannonsˮ޷Ƶľ޴вĴֻʹloose cannonsֵҰ˭ҪDZײˣҲˡ

ˮǶloose cannons£𽥰˵ճУ޷ƲԤϵвϰloose cannonֻˮǵԣиҵ˶ʹʿ

̳dzloose cannonֲָ쵼ָӡµˡӡλ˵һѡ˾߱ Ȼȴƫƫѡˡʲô

-2This candidate had appealing ideas, was a good speaker, and had an impressive record. But he lost. Too many voters were afraid he was a loose cannon whod go his own way.


λϰloose cannon˼Dz쵼ָӣµˡڲ£˹ԤϵDZΣա

˵ѾϸλϢͨʿĻõϰһԹ쵼˵ۣ ǷĻʲô˼ˣ

-3Hes more than a wild card; hes a loose cannon!

һʲô˼ˣΪλ쵼˲Ԥϣ һǸһеΣ



I heard through the grapevine that Michael probably become the new sales manager.

How did you get wind of the rumor?

I am not a rumor monger.

Lets stop gossiping and get back to work.

A little bird whispered to me

I heard that James was fired because he got a keep back of 20 thousands dollars from a vender.

Thats open secret.

But mine could be a lie for his job.

How did you know that?

A little bird whispered to me. Keep that to yourself.

ϰɫ ൱ƽӹ(Ƶ)

磬ڽҪѧĵһϰshakesʣҸϰshakeиβ-sϰǣno great shakesNo great shakesϰ˼û𶯡仰˵ҲƽͨвĶ顣


-1Well, it was no great shakes. The story was mediocre and the acting was just so-so. I was bored except for that new actress - she cant act but shes a beautiful woman.


ϰno great shakesʾӰɫ൱ƽӹ


-2I thought the Red Sox had a real chance to win the World Series this year after so long without a championship. But they turned out to be no great shakes, just like last year.


no great shakes˼dzɼƽƽͷءʧֻĵٵһˡ

Ҫѧĵڶϰǣshake a legShake a legϰshakeȻǸʣ˼shake a legǻζһȡ׽ϰshake a legʲô˼ɡǴѧڽ̰˯Bobעshake a leg

-3Bob! Hey, Bob, wake up! Its already 9:30 and youve got that big math test at 10 oclock. Come on, man, shake a leg! Come on, - youve got to get moving right now!


Ȼ˵shake a legǴߴBobϿжϰ˼

ӡ˵Ʋڷⲽһ١ٶؿֱڰ಻סĥûû˵̫̫ˣעҲshake a leg

-4Honey, wed better shake a leg. The wedding is at eleven and it takes an hour to drive there. Its already 10:15 so we better get moving because were already late!


λϰshake a leg˼ȻҲǸϿжɼshake a legߴ˼ӿжġǷʽԣڼ˺֮䡣



ѧ ְԲ08-08


ϰDont have a cow ż06-09


ְ£󵨳 ִžҵ08-20




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