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How To Create a Great Resume

ʱ¼ä£º2023-09-28 17:50:05 ܷϲ Resumes ÎÒҪͶ¸å
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How To Create a Great Resume


How To Create a Great Resume

¡¡¡¡Clear career orientation

¡¡¡¡From the perspective of resumes, you should highlight your career positioning in a targeted manner.How to make a good resume.Maybe many people think that career positioning is just a simple ideal description, without realistic guiding significance, and think it is something "virtual".However, a person with career positioning must be someone who can actively control his career development, and must also know his future career development and learning direction, and know his strengths and weaknesses, and can objectively understand the social environment.

¡¡¡¡Organization and logic of a resume

¡¡¡¡Resumes should focus on organization, and be written according to personal circumstances, self-evaluation, education, social practice, skills, etc.In some refined content, they can be written one by one, according to the ideas from macro to micro.However, there are many peoples resumes that are like writing an autobiography, which seems to be a large piece of literary talent and a jump in ideas.In fact, the HR of this kind of resume does not even look at it.

¡¡¡¡Resume content

¡¡¡¡Although recent graduates do not have any practical experience, they can write about the situation in school, such as learning awards, student activity organization and participation, dissertation, school practice and their own social practice, etc., which can be used to enrich their own resume.Of course, content enrichment is best based on the requirements of the target position, such as reflecting some teamwork, organization and coordination ability, learning ability, etc.

¡¡¡¡Other notes

¡¡¡¡The resume of the workplace new bee is the same as the general resume.It should strive for the accuracy of the text.After the resume is made, it should be carefully checked, and attention should be paid to the smoothness of the sentences and typos.In addition, the overall content of the resume should be controlled on one page.At the same time, try to prepare a resume in English.

¡¡¡¡Resume is the first gateway to get a job opportunity, especially in todays Internet-developed environment, most people apply for a job through the Internet.Therefore, resume has become the first step to success.Workplace new bee In the absence of practical experience, the production of resume is especially important.Hope that workplace new bee can make itself have a better resume through the above points.

¡¡¡¡Workplace experts: sorting out highlights and targeted screening

¡¡¡¡A resume needs to be targeted.This pertinence has two meanings: one is that the resume should be specific to the company and position you are applying for; the other is that your resume should be specific to yourself and write about your highlights in the university.Think back carefully about your study, work and life before writing your resume, and write something bright.Such as excellent grades, scholarships or competition awards, etc.; such as participating in student union work, student club work, which units have you interned in, what activities have you organized, what achievements have you achieved, etc.; such as what meaningful things you have done in college, etc.Find out what makes you different, and find out the grades or practical activities that reflect your good qualities.

¡¡¡¡Make certain selections and revisions according to the position and company you are applying for.For example, if you are applying for a technical job, the focus is to highlight your professional achievements, practical ability, team spirit, etc.Your resume should reflect your professional achievements, the projects you have done related to the position you are applying for and the achievements you have achieved, or the papers published in professional journals; in addition, you can also add a little social activities you have participated in to show your teamwork spirit.If you are applying for a sales job, you should focus on your communication skills, interpersonal skills and unyielding spirit.Your resume should reflect your social activity performance, the part-time jobs you have worked, and your achievements because of persistence and perseverance.

¡¡¡¡Corporate HR: Targeted resumes are more popular

¡¡¡¡Every time I come back from an on-site job fair, I get a pile of resumes.When I first started working in human resource planning, corporate HR always couldnt wait to pick up resumes and find the talents they needed.However, slowly, the enthusiasm disappeared, because so many resumes, except for the different names and phone numbers, are the same in other parts.Although resumes are an introduction to experience, they are not running accounts.Write everything in them.The most typical, like applying for technicians, many job seekers have written in the experience of being a night market, being a tutor, or even going to a restaurant to be a waiter.As a result, it is counterproductive.Human resources experts are annoyed when they see such resumes, and the application effect is naturally greatly reduced.

¡¡¡¡Resumes should also have a central idea.Now most job seekers will participate in a lot of social practice or engage in multiple part-time jobs during their school days.Job seekers have a lot of experience and experience, which is not a bad thing.Consistent with the skills required for the position.The skills required for the position are the central idea of this resume.Organizing your job resume around this point can make human resources experts understand at a glance.Mr.Shi suggested that job seekers should not put more resumes, but focus on strong pertinence.As the saying goes, sharpening a knife without mistaking a firewood worker, choosing your favorite unit position, and specially making a resume can greatly improve the success rate of the application.

¡¡¡¡The most important thing when sending a resume is to catch HRs attention as soon as possible

¡¡¡¡1.Never send your resume as an attachment.After the recruitment information of a position is sent out, a large number of application emails will be stuffed into the mailbox, which is a huge test of patience for HR.When he finally got up to open your email, he found that he had to open the attachment again to see the resume.You know, it takes a "long" time to open the attachment.It is very likely that during this time, HR finally became impatient and clicked the mouse to "".

¡¡¡¡2.Send a job application email with a clear theme from your personal mailbox.To match HR at first sight, it is recommended to do something on the subject of the email to highlight your application advantages.If you are applying for a marketing manager, the other partys requirement is that you preferably have 4A advertising company experience, and you happen to have it, then write "5 years of 4A advertising company marketing department management experience" on the subject of the email.

¡¡¡¡Of course, this kind of email is sent by private mailbox.If it is sent directly through the system on the recruitment website, the other party can only receive the words "Application xx " uniformly.Therefore, it is recommended that candidates, if they are sent by the recruitment website system, it is recommended that job seekers add a very short specialty statement in the name column when filling in the information of the recruitment website.Because there are character restrictions, it can only be a few very short words.If you like the other company very much, you may wish to send your resume by your own mailbox.

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